Welcome to the home of Matariki -
Te Tauranga o ngā Waka
Here you'll find information about Matariki and all of the events that are
offered within the Western Bay of Plenty from Waiororo to Ōtamarākau.
Matariki for our rohe starts on the 8th June 2024.
The theme this year is Waitī & Waitā
Artwork: Kereama Taepa

Photo Credit:
Moana Radio
Waitī & Waitā
This year’s Matariki event programme in Tauranga Moana and the Western Bay area embraces the themes of Waitī and Waitā.
Waitī, recognised as the fifth star in the Matariki star cluster, is connected to freshwater: springs, streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands, and the plants and animals that live in freshwater. Waitī is comprised of two words wai (water) and tī which means sweet. Waitī, is considered a female body and the māhanga (twin) of Waitā.
Waitā, the sixth star of the Matariki cluster is associated with saltwater, the ocean and marine conditions. It represents the many types of food gathered from the sea. Waitā is comprised of two words, wai (water) and tā (salt). Waitā is considered a male entity and sits below his twin, Waitī.
Both Waitī and Waitā also represent the health of their respective waters; how we are impacted by the state of fresh and saltwater environments and how we depend on their waters for our own livelihoods and wellbeing.

What is Matariki?
Matariki is the Māori name for the star cluster also known as the Pleiades. While it comprises over 300 stars, only seven are typically seen. At the end of May this year, we can observe Matariki rise in the north-eastern horizon just before dawn.
Matariki is a time for remembering the dead and celebrating new life. Matariki was a season for manaakitanga (hospitality) that brought communities together. Visitors were showered with gifts of specially preserved food and other delicacies. Throughout Matariki, Māori learnt from each other, which ensured that traditions like arts, weaving, waiata, performances, wānanga and whakapapa were passed from one generation to the next.
Please feel free to contact us by phone or email. Or alternatively fill in the form below, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
PHONE: 07 213 2213
EMAIL: info@tetuhimareikura.org

Matariki Te Tauranga o ngā waka 2024 is proudly brought to you by…